Sunday, January 24, 2010

January 22, 2010

Today I read about TOR (The Onion Router) which is, I believe, software designed to create anonymity for the user. Apparently, this creates a "cloak of invisibility" for people using the internet for questionable activities, such as pedofiles. According to, HD Moore, the creator of the "Metasploit Project", has developed a method for identifying users that were previously operating under the guise of invisibility. If I understand it correctly, his software can peel back the layers of the "onion" that has created the anonymity and identify the ISP address of a user searching for certain keywords. While it is not yet clear if his software could be used as evidence against a pedofile, the potential for this software would be immense. If the tech world could stay one step ahead of the criminal world and use this technology to prosecute pedofiles, terrorists, and druglords, the benefits would be great to all society.

1 comment:

  1. This is interesting and not something that I saw. If it is online, it would be useful to post a link to the story too. Your post would be more interesting if you discussed more about how long people have been able to hide like this, and what the implications will be for law-abiding people who are just careful...What are the odds of that situation? What are the costs?
